Global standardization of Metro Manila

As the newly appointed Metropolitan Manila Development Authority chair, Danilo Lim vows to ease traffic in the capital by “going back to the basics”.

Danilo Lim is a Filipino retired Brigadier general, he was an ex-coup plotter and was charged with rebellion. Now he leads the MMDA as the new Chairman and unlike other newly appointed politician he described his plans in a plain manner without a dash of fantasies and out of this world promises, to quote, “At this time, I will not be introducing any fancy traffic scheme. By going back to basics, I meant strict adherence to our existing laws, practicing a culture of discipline, road courtesy, and changing the habits of the people,”.

In layman’s terms, this guy promises no agendas but rather implement stricter rules. so, where does this “Global standardization enters?. well, global standardization is too general and vague, if you ask me what is global standardization my answer is it’s a change that follows what is standard or what is required globally or if that’s too good to be true, in certain countries. so what change does Danilo Lim imply in this Global standardization when he says that he won’t be introducing any scheme or plans but a rather stricter implementation of rules? that is a question that can be answered when he once again speaks up about the issue. maybe his idea of global standardization is the making the current rules flawless, maybe by reshuffling MMDA staffs, fixing corruption in their ranks and fixing traffic.


I am no master or an all knowing when it comes to road management but if I will tackle this in a point of view as one of the public, id say that fixing traffic must be their first priority, especially when it’s a rainy season or just a rainy day, roads get figuratively narrow in a just a simple pour of rain and vehicular traffic gets as long as the horizon covers.  this is not a new issue, in fact, this has been an issue over and over again, and why is that? well, we people cannot just rely and depend on the MMDA when it comes to solving this issue, it also needs the public’s cooperation. the public must also be responsible, smart and relieve themselves of stubbornness, sometimes we ourselves cause traffic and no one else.




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Modernization of Public transportation

The Philippines is a country wherein public transportation is most used to get around town, public transportation varies whether it’s a land, sea, and air transports. The most famous public transportations that are popularly known in the country is the legendary Jeep or jeepneys.

Jeepneys have been used since 1945 according to my research. Now they are introducing modernization of public transportations and the goal is to modernize public transportation into more eco-friendly vehicles and the objective is to completely phase out the use of jeepneys and change it into a more modern vehicle that is already been used today that is E-jeep or E-jeepney.


These Electrical vehicles have the features of a minivan except there are no doors and windows, I cannot say if it is safer because it is open like the traditional jeepneys. Although it could still be styled and customized like you see in the traditional ones where you could see lots of graffiti, fictional characters, paint sprays and other styling techniques so it still carries one essence of jeepney which is creativity.

Electrical vehicles have been already introduced here in Intramuros and these are the E-trikes. I have already ridden this E-trike a couple of times and I could say that it is not a bad idea. The ride is smooth it is like your sliding along the road, however, complications are always there, for example, is introducing these Electric vehicles would tarnish Philippine culture and you could also say tourism, sometimes people from foreign country visits the Philippines to just experience a ride in jeepneys and that just number one, number two is, plenty of public transportation drivers would lose their livelihood especially if they are jeepney driver for a long term and have no other means of living or income, it would not help our country because we already are lacking job employment. If you will view this issue in a point of view of people who uses public transportation a lot like me then it is highly beneficial. Remember we are living in an era where technology is in control.

like in Architecture we cannot just stop progress and advancement, in each period, there will always be changes, traditional are now modernized, but even if they are traditional they will always be treasured and loved and that is what you call culture. there will always be change and if this change benefits then, why not?.





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